01. Login to Konsol H

Login to konsolH with your username and password.

  • Contact us to get your login details for your Domain access.
  • The username will be your domain name eg. in this example we used beachbrats.co.za
  • The password will be the FTP password we would supply to you.

02. Create New Mail Alias

  • Click on Mail >
  • Manage Accounts >
  • New Mail Alias

03. New Mail Alias

  • Username: Type in the email  like sales or admin or info. You don’t need to type in the whole address
  • Forward ( required ): In the dropdown it will show you existing mailboxes you have created e.g info@beachbrats.co.za
  • Forward 2 ( optional ): You can leave this blank or either type in another email account from your domain like paul@beachbrats.co.za or use and external mail address like gmail.
  • Save: Click on the Add button to save your new mail alias

Why create an email alias and not a mailbox?

  • A mailbox account enables you to send and receive emails.
  • An email alias does not include a mailbox, it merely redirects your mail to an existing mailbox.

Create an email alias if you want to:

  • Redirect email to an existing mailbox
  • Do not need access to Webmail
  • Do not need email storage